Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Day 4 Task 2

Yesterdays Task Winner with Raymond Caux

Well with a changed forecast we now have 20kph SW winds so again we headed out to Le Sire overlooking Chamberry. The high cloud filled in as two tasks were set... We were to be told which we would fly 5 mins before launch would open! As it turned out we ended up taking the second shorter task along the ridge lines as the day became more and more stable..
Flying the Flag

The Start of the end of the day!!

A Crazee French Juggler

Again I had a relatively good start.... (above the ridge is a good start today!!). Maybe I pushed on a little too hard but I was in good company with Antoine Boiselier and Mario just behind me. We crossed the first two ridges taking rough climbs that petered out just above the ridge tops. The next ridge was a longer crossing and got the better of most of the field... A few of us scrabbled along the ridges managing to simply extend our glide toward the first turnpoint 24km away. Several other pilots got their timimg much better and again climbed allowing them to not only make the turnpoint but to return across the same ridge! How they faired only time can tell... More updates tomorrow. BTW I made only 20km of the 74km task! Bummer!

The two Antoines

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