Friday, 12 June 2009

Day 5 Task 3

Well done to Antoine Boisselier who made goal yesterday… Unfortunately he arrived 13 minutes after the goal closure time! Mario only just made the second turnpoint before landing. Considering the conditions, grey and stable, they made remarkable progress!

During the night Luis arrived in our Gite! Now the whole French Worlds team are here! I'd better pull my socks up and show them who’s boss…. They are!

It turned out I had dropped from 2nd in the comp to 7th due to my mistakes! I hoped for better the next day but….

Clouds below launch..!

Task 3. Again two tasks were set as the clouds were below the launch when we arrived. The first start would be at 16:00 and eventually the longer of two tasks was decided upon at 94km. It was a race along the ridges from Val Peylouse launch first to a turnpoint in the valley and then to Grenoble and back in a zig zag once more before goal at the Lumbin landing. Not having learned from racing ahead the day before, on the way to turnpoint 2 I got low and had to glide out to the valley for a low save near the Allegarde lake where a few others landed. I never managed to get back into the mountains and only glided to Grenoble never catching another thermal. Antoine won the day followed by Luis then Pierrot and Mario…!
Who's a Pretty Boy then???

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