Wednesday, 10 June 2009

French Nats Day 3 Task 1

And not before time! Todays forecast was for strong southerly winds and localised thunderstorms so again we drove to a site north of Chambery. We set up on arrival and watched as the storms developed in front of launch. A task of 64km was set in a zig-zag along the ridgeswhich were 45 degrees to the wind. We were to head north as far as Annecy finishing in Gruffy and to our amazement the storms died back and a task was flown!!! Woohoo!!

I was soon in the air and soon found lift over the crucifix to the left of launch. As I climbed out the views were amongst the best I’ve ever seen if not THE best! I took a camera with me but unfortunately the air was rough due to the increasing southerlies so never got the chance to take any pics… I will ask around for pics in the morning!

I had a good start position and so raced off down the ridges managing to stay ahead of the pack with Laurent Thevenot for company. I got better air on a valley crossing after the first turnpoint and managed to sit on top of him for the rest of the flight before leaving him after turnpoint 3. By now Mario and Pierre Zin had caught up but were still lower which helped me find better lines. I took a risky glide to the last turnpoint, into wind and away from the cloud line, and so allowed one of the german pilots to overtake me having taken a route via the clouds. He rounded the turnpoint ahead of me before gliding onwards to goal. I raced for the last turnpoint then chased him managing to make up some ground coming into goal second. Behind me came Mario Alonzi then Pierre Zin. Having led most of the day I hope to be rewarded in the scores but will have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens!
Strange Attire worn by a German pilot "Just in case of crashes!" or so I'm told... he's been named Robokraut!!

1 comment:

Rich Lovelace said...

RESULT Sheds! Keep it up.